Mood: Feeling useful


So today has been one of those days when you work like a maniac…..not that I am a lazy person or anything of the sort other days but today is one of those days that just passes by sooooo fast.


Planning and organizing the Fair in Stockholm in January and there is so much to be done and I just have this week and the next to finish it all.

I kinda like these planning jobs and making it look presentable and pretty.


I believe that I am rather capable performing these kind of tasks.

To be able to plan everything and say that you put that costume there and those hats shall be on that section and do not forget to place all the information cards so that the customer can see them clearly.


So I am basically sitting here purring like kitten when I get to be in charge of this.

I love to go there and put it all together and when people say it looks nice I feel extreme happiness. :)


So this day will flash by really quickly and that might be a nice rest for my brain that have been working overtime lately trying to sort out the situation in life that I find myself in and how to desperately improve it and make it my own and not just some shadow of what I want and need.


Tonight I shall try to continue with the slow evolving plans that are so exciting and still rather daunting.

But I shall manage to land on my feet again if needed. Perhaps a jump out into uncertainty is just what I need.

But all in good time….one step at the time and no rushing so that one makes mistakes and create regretful situations.


Oh, looking out the window at my office all seems so gray and I cannot begin to describe how much I would love to be where the sun shines and where the people laugh.

To enjoy a workday like this one would be even better if the sun was out and you knew that there were inspiration to be had wherever you went or did during your day.


I will love finding that in the future and shed the negative sense of ominous disaster always around the corner. Ha, ha!

Talk about dramatic……it is not all that bad ofcourse but I do think that there are so many unnecessary serious situations created during the day or evening each day.


I do still jump in my car and sing along to the stereo on my way home and smile…..and it will be just that smile that one day will be even wider due to the fact that all the pieces of the puzzle has fallen into place…..


Oh, I cannot wait! :)



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