Mood: Just sayin´
Some situations cannot be altered I know this for fact.
I do not really mind it either to be honest. That is life really!
It is just that sometimes it takes me alittle longer to get it……………or one can say that I fail miserably sometimes too. :)
I am sometimes rather naïve in my way of thinking that you are able to influence your life to your own benefit sometimes you just cannot and it is in these situations better to just bite the bullet and get over it.
I mean how hard can it be….right? :)
When presented with information that are of a definite nature then you should not try to read between the lines…..there might be nothing there to be honest.
If you focus too much on that you might interpret things in a way that will set you back a whole lot of time and your efforts might be useless. So instead of doing that (I am working on mastering this….) one need to just take things for what they are. I think I heard that on Oprah once too….lol
I try to make the best of things and believe in people’s ability to be good and kind.
Sometimes that is not the case and one need just to get over it and move on.
I sometimes linger for some wired sense of wanting to aid people I care about.
Perhaps this is the key then to just kinda let go and not care too much? Herein lays my problem because I care kind of a lot….
I like being me so I will not change that much really…..
I kind of like being alittle naïve if the other way to go is being cold and distant.
I mean that my life must have so much more color even if some are rather too intense and perhaps even dark.
But at least I am feeling right?
I just need to learn to be calmer and not give so much when not receiving anything back…..
I sure will still invest emotions and time into trying to be the best person I can be and to care for the people surrounding me whether I know them well or not.
It gives me great pleasure to just be able to sleep at night thinking you have done the best you can with what I have to offer.
I just need to focus my investment of time/energy on the right project/people where the result can be measurable and where I will be appreciated in a fashion like I appreciate others.
Glorious days ahead for sure if I will get this right……
What a great project to start with the New Year. Changes will be made and intense situations will be had for sure but the end result will be better than anything ever experienced and filled with love and excitement. I will become a better me!
