This is just such a fantastic sensation.
I'm talking about laying down on the bed after running some errands and having Christmas lunch with coworkers.
I'm not that into Christmas food as it is and tonight we going to another Christmas dinner with Sverkers work.
Christmas food overload for poor JJ! :)
Mean how much herring (sill) can you actually eat.
And then the stockfish (lutfisk), eiuuu!
Wouldn't touch that for basically anything.
I could go on and on about all these crazy Christmas food that I don't eat!
With that being said it was nice to hang out with my coworkers for little bit.
But I did not like the taste of the food at all.
Obviously these things tend to take place during a painfully time so I made my escape early.
Feeling a bit like a stuffed cow when leaving even though I didn't eat much at all.
So I feel like I'm going to rest now so that I'm ready to go to another party later.
Hopefully there will be bubbles. :)
Will try to focus on what shoes to wear.
Oh no, I will not to rest at all. :)
Talk about luxury problems right?

Christmas food,
Christmas party,