I was for a few seconds rather worried that I would not find the Christmas spirit this year at all.
I did not find the calmness and peacefulness that I usually feel.
This annoyed the living daylights out of me. I usually love the calmness that I find before Christmas.
This is due to the fact that I make all these crazy lists to organize my life before Christmas…..or actually for all parts of my life.
I love them!
They make me know what to do and when to do it and also allow me time to drink “Glögg” and spend time with the people I care about.
I see so many people run around like mad folks and have such a stressful life.
Even some part of my family does just that and is sort of tells me that I am on the right track really and this in itself gives me even more peace and quiet in my life. Planning ahead is the key! :)
And since I told you all before you know that I am rather lazy and love the comfort of life and to relax is the best way to live ever…..according to me….
I can say honestly that my comfort does not just revolve around doing nothing though.
I love doing stuff but there should be a sense of quality about it and not quantity as I see may people focusing on.
It seems to me that many people tends to focus a lot on doing as much as possible and not really focusing on doing what they want to do with quality instead.
I would rather spend an evening at home on my own than rushing around being all stressed and feeling that I am not good enough and wishing that I could be in two places at once.
I feel like such a moron sometimes though because I totally give voice to these thoughts when I am cornered and when there are forces around me trying to make me stress unnecessarily.
In these cases I tend to become like a small child and just go on direct strike and more or less refuse…..very mature right?
I do not want to live my life with the cup half empty and stressing gives me that sensation.
With that being said I am extremely pleased that this year too will be comfortable and nice as far as Christmas feelings is concerned.
I shall relish in the fact that I know myself very well and because of this I will not be forced to do things I find ridiculously stressful.
If other wish to do them that is fine by me and if I can aid them I will but not if it cost me my own tranquility and sanity this holiday season which is supposed to be about peace and love.
So be at peace and spread the love and forget all the “must have´s” and “must do´s. Nobody will thank you when you crash in the evening no matter how much you accomplished If you do not work at a pace that will allow you to enjoy the preparations leading up to this glorious holiday. Just sayin´!
