Here I am sitting on my bed again with my darling Chihuahua sleeping by my feet.

From the kitchen I can hear sounds that declare busy work and preparations for Christmas.
I do love this and feel relaxed with a small glass of wine. Lol
The fulfillment and peace have finally reached my inner person and I can envision myself sitting here with a silly smile on my face. It feels so good to smile.
The joyful chattering I hear from Julia and Sverker warms my heart so much.
And now I just got fed one of the delicious Christmas meatballs.
They are just so good..... :)
Fortunate me!!!! :)
And then of course the house was filled with laughter earlier.
Felicia has her wonderful friends over. We have not seen them in so long and it's such a treat to have them here.
I have missed them terribly and I did not realize how much until today.
We have been very much alone for these four months.
The sound of voices and laughs in the house is just so precious.
Julia's friends keeps very much more to themselves. Which is okay too I guess. :)
One does not realize what you have until it is gone. In this case the laughter of the girls has been missed from my life so much. The pleasurable sounds of the chattering and sharing of stories and adventures are beyond fun to listen to.
The pure energy of it is like gold. :)
It brings the sensation of a happy home together.
Very pleased they have returned. :)
Those girls in combination with Julias giggling and the sound of the fryingpan making meatballs sure seams like a very good way to start the Christmas holiday.
Hope everybody has as good a Sunday as I do. :)
Happy Christmas indeed.
Sharing love and laughter for everyone with this blog entry.

Christmas spirit,