Mood: rather warm actually as I'm in front of the fire.. lol

So just a few more days and then it's Christmas! And how do I feel about Christmas?
We all celebrate in all different ways that are equally as special to every individual.
I am one of these people who like the weeks before Christmas more than Christmas itself as I do not appreciate all the stress and running around preparing for things that to me are rather insignificant in the big scheme of things.
Do not get me wrong as I'm not judging what other people do, it is merely my reflection of my part in the whole hoopla of Christmas.
For me personally Christmas is not about the food and it's not about the presents it's about the spirit and surrounding myself with people I love during these days out of the ordinary craziness that is my life.
There are some people in my life that I do not get to see on Christmas that I miss terribly much and I value more than they now. I try to be a good person and show my friends and family how much I love them but of course as I am human sometimes I fail.
But with this being said do not ever doubt how much I love and cherish my loved ones.
And if anyone feels overlooked by me I apologize and just remember that I find each and every one of my amazing friends and family a contribution to what can only be described as a fantastic existence.
So let's spend this Christmas of 2015 by spreading the love and laughter to all that crosses paths with you.
This meaning the people working at the grocery store, gas station, restaurant you might be eating at and so on.
Smile and say Merry Christmas and make their day little bit more special, by appreciating them and by doing the smallest most "insignificant" gesture spreading positive energy.
Only you can decide how much love and laughter you can give and I promise you that you will receive it back.

deep thought,