Mood: Smiling
So I miss some things in life…..
At present it is energy that is high up on my wish list. :)
The dark and gloomy winter are taking its toll on my little person. I feel so tired at night and feel like half a zombie when waking up in the mornings.
Fierce fully attractive for sure!! Lol
But still not matter how tired I am I kinda just jump out of bed and get going. Why?
Because I am happy! Cannot be said in a more explanatory fashion than that!
But I kind of miss some other things too. I miss to laugh abit more.
I kinda feel that I do not and it might be because of the reason above. But I so do love laughing and being silly and just plain weird!
Weird is the new normal for me.
I am changing my life abit and I am letting go more and more of the need to be included in the life that is expected of me. I need to live more for me and be more like me…..I miss that!
I have not been NOT me though if that makes sense…..I have just neglected some parts of my person and I am to address these sooner rather than later.
I am looking forward to this and even though there will be speed bumps for sure I shall stop this missing parts of me and instead embrace the return of the rather funnier side of me.
I laughed so much more before (not saying that I have not been laughing but not quite enough…) and I miss that.
I need to be more goofy and not so concerned about what is that social protocol that people try to force you into.
I love a challenge and this is what I intend to accept.
I challenge myself and life to become MORE AND BETTER!
I hope that all would do that and not be restrained by things that they feel they must do and have to be. In the end we will be alone again and I have no intention of sitting there old, and fabulously grey and think “What if”!
So screw the “what if” and bring on the “what will be” because here I come and I will try my best to spread joy and light to my surroundings and make the people close to me shine even brighter than they do already.
It is due to these people (you know who you are….) that I feel stronger than ever and more positive than ever too.
Lets shine together from not until the end of time.
