Mood: Frustrated
So all who knows me are aware of the fact that I hate storms so I am not getting into that again.
But after last night’s storm I woke up to a rather frozen country.
I hade my breakfast by the fire still listening to the wind trying its best to rip the house apart.
Still it was all cozy and nice with my smoothie and cup of coffee.
I got ready to get to work and backed out of the driveway and realized directly that the roads were icy.
I chatted on the phone with my darling mum (Bluetooth is great in a car) with both hands on the steering wheel and full focus on the road and drove off in a careful manner.
I passed some branches that the wind had broken off and rudely left in my path. :)
I continued and felt that this would be a rather smooth drive to work…….or so I thought…..
When driving thru a couple of roundabouts I could feel that is sure were icy roads carrying my precious car to work this morning.
And then out of nowhere some dumbass came driving like a maniac and probably with the intention to kill all that crossed him/her path.
I expressed my displeased feelings quite loudly when continuing driving towards my destination.
And then like a bat out of hell another moron came and pushed his way in front of my car with no thought what so ever to the safety zone needed between cars, especially in these weather conditions.
What the hell is up with people!
I he/she needed to break then I would have been totally squashed and my darling dog and car too.
So my question is why can people not plan their lives ever so slightly better and not stress like that in the morning. I mean it is bad on a normal day but they have no right risking my life due to their own bad judgment.
For a second I thought I might have been fun being an policewoman driving in a civil car and busting their asses. Ha, ha!
Then I thought of the fact that I would have to endure wearing the same outfit every day.
Horrid thought indeed……
So please if you are on the road be careful and be safe and respect other drivers.
I have no wish to die due to the ignorance of some pathetic looser who cannot drive and should never have gotten his/hers driving license in the first place…..
Just saying that is how I feel about it…..
