A couple of weeks ago I travelled to the glorious place of Murietta, California.
I will not get into that with much detail at present (that might just come later).
However my wonderful friend who I stayed with made me take up a new habit. And boy am I glad I did!!
I have never considered smoothies to be my kind of thing but after this week in California I am soooo into them it is ridiculous! I feel better every day I have a smoothie in the morning and I bring one for work too. I got to borrow a smoothie book with lots of inspiration from the fifteen year old at home and now we both enjoy these delicious drinks in the mornings.
I feel fresher and happier in a long time and get a different kind of energy from them in comparison to the usual sandwiches I used to eat.
So obviously I had to get a blender to do these because we did not have one. And all who knows me knows I cannot just buy any old blender……….I am weird I know.
However in my own defense I aimed for a blender with a large glass container so that I could provide others with this delicious drinks too. Am I nice of what? :)
So I went to Elgiganten in Halmstad and bought an ridiculously expensive blender but it has been a long time since I spend cash like that and been so happy about it.
It is called: Philips Aluminium Collection Mixer HR2094/00
I am sure that it can do so much more and I will get to the bottom of the potential of this wonderful machine. I bought the one that was the most quiet and this too was for a reason. As all who knows me I also have a beautiful and talented seventeen year old in the house and she sleeps with the door open so that the cat can come and go as she pleases.
So I thought that buying this quieter blender might not wake up her pretty little head to early in the mornings.
So to shortly tell you what is so great about this blender and not get into another long rambling session…..
It got a huge glass container about 2 liters (about 67 fl.oz.)
It got setting already in place for making just smoothies (special buttons for ice-, smoothies- and pulsation-)
It got an ice crusher
It also comes with a fruit filter that allows you to make fruit juices without the pips.
It got a powerful 750W engine that provide you with a faster process when making your smoothies etc.
I think it is brilliant to say the least. So if you are in the market for a blender this sure is a recommendation from me.