Mood: Tired and unmotivated


Yes, I know I go on about being all positive and stuff like that all the time.

And I really believe that is the way to treat your life…..but today I am sooooooo tired.


I have no idea why really but I feel rather unmotivated and just….let us say off.


I think it is important to feel this too even thought I much rather would feel the energy that I usually feel. I will surely pass and one will be back to my happy normal self sooner than I think.


To be honest I have to say that I actually feel rather relieved to be “down” sometimes because this makes it so much better when one is on the normal high that I focus on for the most part.


This morning when waking up I just did not want to get out of bed at all…….Zzzzzzz…..but then again the tiny but rather wild Chihuahua had other ideas than me.

She wanted to try to lick me to death before forcing me out of bed. :)


This is a rather splendid and very loving way to wake up even though I in all honesty prefer slightly less energetic awakening.

But I cannot do anything but smile when thinking about her.


See feeling better already. :)


It does not take much to feel good really and it is not that I feel horrible today but just unmotivated and slightly off. Like the things currently taken place in my life are uninteresting and dull.

I want more glitter and glam in life for sure and right about now there are too many things needed to done and far to little time just sitting down chilling!


I need my chill time for sure. I feel that the days just pass by so fast and soon I will find myself way older wondering “What the heck” happened.

So I need to get out from the valley of No inspiration and climb up to the bright top again…


But perhaps that should be tomorrow’s assignment?

Today I will just take a break from being positive and just do what needs to be done and then lay down on my bed when getting home and read and be unsocial.


Positive me officially on strike today! :)

See you guys again tomorrow!



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