So it is dark and horrible outside we all know that.

However living in Sweden this also mean to hibernate until springtime comes knocking.



Don’t get me wrong I kinda do the same. When in Rome……and all that…..

You rarely meet up due to the fact that all has their schedule filled with activities and lots of things to do before Christmas.


And that is also the thing that saves this in other ways horrid season. (in case you missed it – I HATE WINTER lol)

The Christmas lights and the Christmas spirit.

I just love it myself. I love the candles and the warmness of the decorations that is placed throughout the house.

Talk about conflicting personality on my side…..I do not like winter but I do like Christmas. How very odd!


I love the time before Christmas.

It breaks up the darkness and the solitude abit and you are welcomed home to a house lit up and that embrace you and says “come on in here and relax”.

And that is exactly what you do too… go in and you sit yourself down and you sit there like your life depended on it…. :)


The Swedish mentality that one hibernate during wintertime is such an enormous contrast compared to summertime when Swedes cannot be kept inside by any means at all.

I find this rather amusing……

I kind of understand why it is the way it is but it does not get easier really for me to deal with it.


Obviously this reflection is mine and mine alone and there are sure many a Swedes that have very busy social lives even during the dark winter months.

I am just not one of them and it bugs me alittle…….or a lot…..

It also bugs me that I fall into the trap of hibernation myself during the winter… is just so darn cold and unfriendly (the weather I mean) to actually do anything besides accepting the invitation from the warm and cozy house you live in.


The reason for hibernating is that there is absolutely nothing to do during the wintertime that brings people together.

The weather is horrid and you do tend to stay inside and perhaps have a few nice (and I really mean that they are nice) dinner parties with good friends. Love those!


I will say it again that I might be all wrong here and this might just be what is applied to my own life but this is how I see it.

The social network around me does not go out for drinks or dinner that often and you have no reason what so EVER to get out of your comfy at home trousers and jumpers.

Extremely fashionable for sure….


So you sit down in the sofa with your glass of wine or perhaps a cup of tea and then you more or less sit there until you can hear the birds singing the song for springtime outside.


To criticize myself abit I dare say that I am probably not very good at taking charge in these situations though and change this behavior so I am probably not to complain that much really am I…….lol


I do know for a fact that the weather and season of darkness affects more than just the ability to do things and when I lived in Spain that was never a factor to even consider.

You met up at some cute restaurant and hung out and laughed and smiled until it was time to go home.

This does not mean I would want that everyday but perhaps every now and again…..


I would trade this winter for warm weather any day and the older I get the more I (my personal views here) believe it is a waste of time living like this.


I love the sun shining on my face and the rays of sunshine warming my heart and lets me be the positive person that I am.

I feel rather put in my place so to speak during wintertime because my personality does not fit this kind of life.


I am a summer person and refuse to change…..ha, there I said it! :)


But I shall manage this winter too….why?

Because I have to and because I will make the best of it and try to ensure that there will be as much sunshine as possible in my life even if the sun is hidden behind clouds in the sky.


Very poetic indeed right? :)

Winter, cold, dark, tradition, swedes, hibernate,


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