Mood: I think I am getting there…


So this year I have not felt it really!

Nope, the Christmas spirit has been missing BIG TIME!


I am very frustrated by this due to the simple fact that I usually love Christmas.

So why not now? I cannot put my finger on it really but there is something different in the air this year.


I hope that it will pass and that I fill find the great feeling that I normally have.

Today I felt alittle like normal though and when hearing some Christmas tunes on the radio I felt really good about the upcoming holiday.


I just feel that I do not do that much for Christmas besides decorate the house. And I love that but this year even that seemed alittle blasé to be honest.

I mean it is fun for sure but not as much fun as it usually is. Perhaps it is because I am really the only one that like that sort of thing at home.


The others would not notice if we did not decorate at all….or at least that is what I believe to be the truth. Or perhaps this lack of Christmas spirit is due to the fact that it is more or less taken for granted that I will do this and try to make it cozy and nice for Christmas.


Now do not get me wrong because I do not want someone else to meddle with my decorations…

I want to do it.

Or perhaps it comes down to the fact that I have not been listening to enough Christmas songs this year at home.

I shall do that tonight to see if I can turn this whole thing around.


Hearing the music here at work makes me want to cuddle up at home with the dog and just feel the colors and magic that comes with the glittering decor sink in and spread thru my heart and soul.


Then again if it is not to be this year then what am I to do about it really? I will manage for sure I usually do.

But still it would be nice. :)



A huge MERRY CHRISTMAS to all that reads this and hope from the bottom of my heart that you will be able to spend it relaxing and in a stress free environment.





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