So I read this post on Facebook!
One of my friends got caught in the rain in New York and was treated very kindly by a compete stranger!
It is just so lovely. :)
He gave her a shelter under his umbrella as they rushed through the rain together.
We should do that more often. Help others, not being so focused on our own existence, and actually get to enjoy what my friended did.
She was rather blown away it all, but of course very grateful.
Then again it's rather sad that one would have to be treated nice before reflecting on how different life can be if you choose to be kind to strangers.
I try to do this myself on a daily basis if possible. I mean being nice never hurt anybody. Right? Lol
However sometimes I fail, and the reaction to my kindness, is not at all what I intended.
Swedish people are not very good at this. When you're nice and kind to a stranger they look at you with that look, questioning your motives and never for a second considering that all you want to do is actually being kind.
So get a grip on you people. Stop being so suspicious, embrace life, you might even be surprised to find many new people that can enrich your life.
I give you this assignment!
Today you need to be kind to a stranger. I dare you! :)
Say something nice, give a compliment, or just smile at somebody.
If you do this it will make your day better, you will feel better about yourself, you will have helped somebody out and you spread love.
We all know that the world need more love.
Go on now......
Do it!