Mood: Worried

I am sitting here wondering what is to be in the future!

It can be the best thing ever or just the most spectacular flop that ever!

What road to go and what choises to make! I am happy where I am and have no complaints really!

I feel that some part of my person has been awaken and is asking questions that I am not even sure that I want to have the answers too! I mean are there really a place in the world for a person such as me? I feel so utterly disconnected to life sometimes and I wonder if there are any people out there that could ever get my weird and somewhat screwed up person!

Can I be loved like I love? I will not know this until later on in life I know this but some sort of certainty or just a hint would be nice! I feel like I am this horrid person due to the fact that I have this different outlook on life and that I love to let all people be as they are!

You are not suppose to be different in this world! I know this but still my person refuses to change and adapt. Why cant I and others that are different be allowed to coexcist with all these people that seems to have this enormous demand for normality! This is even more chocking when there are no real way of saying what is normal anyway.

I dare say that I shall persevere and stay true to my person and my beliefs though and prove to more than myself that the level of stubborness that I have exceeds anything that could be meassured. :)

The freedom to write and express myself just gives me the boost that I need to make changes that will ensure more than just my happiness! All should feel contentment and happiness with their world and the way that they are looked at and treated!

So to end this essay of ramblings I shall send massive amount of love out there to all that needs it!

Stay true to your selves and never change unless it is something that you want to and feel the need to do!

Lots of love to all!



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