Mood: Proud
So as you all know I have two bonus children! (hating the word stepchildren/stepmum)
Two teenagers!
Wow, where to start telling you about them??
Well, first and foremost I need to communicate how much I love them.
I LOVE THEM! There, You cannot ever forget this because this is from the core of my person and meant with the whole of my heart!
Sure we fight and they think I am wired and wise versa but then again who does not argue a times?
They are the best gift I ever gotten (except for the love for Mr P ofcourse <3) and I feel so fortunate to be able to be in their lives.
They are so different but still the same. Does that make sense?
Probably not! :)
Anyhow, they bring total chaos into my very well organised life and I think I might just need that. :)
Both of them are individually so great but it is rather a difficult task to make them see this.
They are not very good at receiving compliment. They feel uncomfortable by me telling them they are great.
Miss J is a great character for sure.
She strives to be anything but that the norm says is normal.
We have great discussions sometimes about that the heck normal might be! This issue never gets an answer.
She is such a strong girl with a sharp mind and views that are extremely inventive and imaginative.
She sure rocks my world with her great personality and her very special look and fashion.
I love her for being strong enough to be “different” and not afraid to be a little controversial.
She is so creative and sings and paints and dances more or less all the time. And I really love her laugh!
She also has a fiery temper to match the appearance and one need to tread carefully at times not to be caught in the crossfire’s.
I am so proud of her and I love her dearly and one of my deepest wishes is for her to feel the level of love that surrounds her.
I dare say that this might be an impossible task for a fourteen year old to achieve.
But one day she might just get it and appreciate the fact that we have her back at all times and that we proudly stands tall when we get comments on her appearance/behaviour when it is not viewed as normal. She is our great and impressive youngest girl! Hope she knows that she is loved!
I love you my darling rebel.
Miss F on the other hand is fantastic in her own right.
She is such a disciplined person when it comes to work and school. She keeps busy with plans for her future and I feel so impressed that she, in difference to other teenagers, already plans ahead for her future.
Schools seem to be a huge driving force for her and she is a top performing student.
When she smiles she shines and she loves to talk, talk and then talk some more.
I love that too. Hearing her voice and her opinions.
She is way smarter than me on so many levels that helping her with homework is not an option.
Phew! :)
I just feel rather retarded when trying!
She is strong in her beliefs and has great faith in her own ability to achieve in school.
Her independence is extremely impressive to see when I reflect on the awkward little girl I met a few years back.
She was so shy and worried at times but now she knows that these parts of her person needs to be challenged and dealt with for her to be the best that she can be.
She works continuously on this with great results. Her trip to Malta this summer proved to be a challenge but also very rewarding for her aswell as us. She came back with an inner calmness and empowered to face her future.
Keep smiling my darling Miss F and stay true to the happy inner goofy girl that we know and love.
Oh, I could go on forever just explaining how much I love them and how proud I am.
They are an extension of the man that I love and I dare say that they make my everyday life rather exciting, challenging, crazy and just pure lovely.
Not to mention all the gray hairs I have gotten…….. :)
I am strong and they are strong so there is obviously friction at times but we tend to love more than argue these days.
I love my girls and I hope that they feel and know it.
I never wanted children really but now I cannot imagine a life without these amazing girls in my life or their great father.
Well this is all the gushing love ramblings I will let you hear for now.
Keep up the love in the world so that all can feel as proud and happy as I do.
Be safe.