Mood: exceedingly confused

Now you might wonder why I am confused.
It is not really easy to explain but I do have to say it must have to do with all the stress that has been throughout this year. Work situations, travel situations, new job situation, family situations.... I think you get where I'm going with

I find it still very hard to find my place in the world and I find it that many people tend to missinterpret what I'm saying or who I am and more so for the sake of their own insecurities than actually my actions. 

By proclaiming this I do not by any means, words or intentions believe myself to be better than others. 

To me this is very frustrating as I try to go into any situation, relation, work situation with an open mind and a happy heart.
When approaching life as I try to do and being the met with suspicion, hostility or any such feelings makes it very hard to proceed in their happy hearted manner I intend to live my life. Hence my frustration! 

I have said this before and I can say it again that I for no reason at all feel sorry for myself but all I do is reflect on the situations and behaviour that I come across. I too find myself at fault at times and I pride myself in trying to take responsibility for my own actions as well as reflect on my own behaviour. 

Soon it will be Christmas time and I do hope that everyone I know and of course everyone I do not know or have had the pleasure of crossing paths with have an amazing holiday season and remember the most important thing you can do in life is to love. 


Christmas, life, love, reflection,


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