Mood: Puzzled

Why do people insist on focusing on the negative all the time or want to stab others in the back?

This is both sad and very disturbing to me.
I mean what can you gain from that?

Is it a great feeling knowing you hurt someone or perhaps started a nasty piece of gossip?

To me it is disgusting to be honest and I cannot emphasize enough how wrong I think it is to put your life’s energy and time on such a horrid endeavor.

What do I do to make it a better world then?
Well you see I have a tendency to try my best to kill all negative people and energies with happiness, irony ors just a smile.
I try to be rather ironic and throw some curveballs at the negative once to perhaps get them to think.

Sometimes that works and sometimes…..let’s just say that it doesn’t. lol
Sometimes it gets all out of hand and I end up being painted into a corner as the “bad” guy. I am usually rather ok with this as I am not placed on this earth for all to love me.
I am here to be the best I can be and sometimes I fail to reach my goals and that is OK!

I don’t strive to be perfect and I make more mistakes than I care to admit to myself…..but the trick with this is actually to admit most of your mistakes and reflect abit on how you could have gone about the situation differently.
This is my hobby an it is interesting to see how I can better myself and with that also the world.

It might not be a huge and even significant change but still it is my contribution to a better world…..and it all starts with a smile.
That little thing that makes you shine alittle more…..that makes your eyes sparkle…..your person feel warm and comfortable.

A smile I so much more that grinning like a dumbass… shows your soul and who you are if it is an honest one.

So go out and smile, smile for yourself and for all that is good. 
When it is dark in your life and you smile you might just get the break you need to find that piece of the puzzle that you need to take your place in the happier more positive world that I intend to live in.

That will be my future….come and join me!

I dare you to smile….smile from the heart…..embrace the negative and make it into a positive.
It is not as hard as it seem (obviously I am not indifferent to peoples different struggles….hope that is clear).

So over and out.

Be safe.


change, laughter, positive,